Redwood Jr. Soccer League

Redwood Junior Soccer League By-Laws

Adopted April 18, 2005

Article One: Membership

Section 1

Membership shall be by affiliated team. Applicants for membership shall agree to comply with all provisions contained in the League Constitution, By-Laws and Rules and Regulations; shall complete all required forms and submit them to the Registrar by the established deadline.

Section 2

Membership shall be annual and shall be effective upon approval by the Board of Directors and the payment of all required fees. Membership shall expire at the close of the playing season in which the member is registered

Section 3

The Board of Directors may rightly exclude from membership, either new or returning, any team whose coach, manager or other affiliated individual has exhibited conduct contrary to established League doctrine.

Article Two: Fees

Section 1

Each member team shall pay an annual team membership fee. These fees shall cover the cost of awards and other League operational expenses. These fees are additional to any membership or registration fees levied by the CYSA or USYSA.

Section 2

Special fees or assessments may be levied against the members by majority vote of the members present at any regular League meeting.

Section 3

The amount of League membership fees shall be established by majority vote of the Board of Directors. An early membership discount may be established for members that register by the early registration date set by the Board of Directors

Article Three: Board of Directors and Executive Committee

Section 1

The League's Board of Directors shall consist of one representative from each Club that has been recognized by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall determine the requirements for Club recognition and shall publish such requirements as part of its Rules.

The Director from a Club shall be elected by the Club as it sees fit, and shall certify such election to the League by formal resolution. Each Director shall serve a term of one year commencing with each Annual League AGM.

Each Director shall have one (1) vote for each team that is sponsored by that Club and registered with the League for that seasonal year, as of the first of each month. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the votes present at a meeting of the Board of Directors.

The League's Executive Committee shall be elected by the Board of Directors at the first Board of Director's meeting immediately following the League AGM. Each officer shall serve a term of one year commencing at the conclusion of such AGM. Any vacancies arising during the year shall be filled by appointment of the Board of Directors for the balance of the term. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following officers:

Section 2

President: Shall preside at all Board of Directors and regular League meetings and shall cast a vote only in the case of a tie; Shall appoint special or standing committees and perform such other League duties as are appropriate to this office; and shall represent the League at the District level. League representatives to Playing Leagues (Abronzino, Delgado, etc.) shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 3

Vice Presidents (2): Shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President; shall assist the President in the performance of League duties.

Section 4

Secretary: Shall keep an accurate record of all League meetings; handle all correspondence, publish required notices and maintain League files other than Registration.

Section 5

Registrar: Shall register all players, teams and coaches according to the registration policies and procedures of the organization with which the league is affiliated.

Section 6

Treasurer: As treasurer, shall receive and disburse the funds of the League, maintain accurate records thereof; shall deposit all funds in a FDIC insured bank in the name of the League; shall make a report of financial standing at the AGM or as requested by the President.

Section 7

Schedule Coordinator: Shall schedule all League games, publish League schedules, maintain and periodically publish the team standings, and handle all other schedule related matters.

Section 8

Referee Coordinator: Shall receive all game cards, referee reports, reports concerning referees and shall administer the League's disciplinary procedures for all competitions conducted under the authority of the League. With the help of League members, shall schedule referees for those games designated by the Board of Directors. Handle all other referee related matters.

Section 9

Public Relations Coordinator: Shall handle all public relations matters, such as providing scores, standings and other information concerning League activities to the local press.

Section 10

Risk Management Coordinator: Shall handle development and compliance with all National, State, District and League mandated risk management programs; and shall make recommendations to the Board with respect to such matters

Section 11

Coaching Coordinator: Shall maintain records of all coach licensing, shall make recommendations with respect to Coach discipline; and shall arrange coach education programs.

Section 12

Tournament Coordinator: Shall coordinate sanctioning of all tournaments sponsored within the League boundaries, shall advise tournament directors with respect to tournament requirements, and shall coordinate League support of State and District tournaments conducted within League boundaries.

Section 13

Executive Committee Responsibilities: The Executive Committee shall consist of the twelve (12) offices established in this Article Sections 2 through 12 above , plus the immediate past president of the league, who shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Executive Committee.All Executive Committee decisions and those of its subcommittees may be reviewed by the Board as a whole upon request of 3 or more Board Members, or request of the parties involved. Subject to the foregoing, the Executive Committee shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Implementing, interpreting and enforcing the League's Constitution, By-Laws and Rules and Regulations

  2. Acting as the League Disciplinary Board, hearing and rendering judgments concerning players, managers, coaches and others within the League's jurisdiction. The Executive Committee may delegate such responsibilities to a subcommittee of not less than three (3) Executive Committee members.

  3. Hearing and rendering judgment in all cases of protested games played under the League's authority

  4. Approving the admission of teams from outside the League's geographical boundaries.

Article Four: Meetings

Section 1

Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held once a month on the Third Monday of each month, unless such Monday is a state or federal holiday in which case the meeting shall be held on the following Monday, subject to change by majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 2

Special meetings shall be called by the President as deemed necessary, or as demanded by a majority of the Board of Directors.

Article Five: Quorom

At all Board of Directors meetings, Directors representing a majority of the League's teams shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. At all Executive Committee meetings, a majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Article Six: Seasonal Year

The seasonal year shall be from September 1 through August 31. The League's opening day shall be scheduled to start on the first week-end following the Labor Day week-end.

Article Seven: Financial Responsibility

The League shall not assume, nor be liable for, the debts and/or the financial responsibilities, either implied or incurred, of any player, coach, team manager, Club representative or referee or any League member. It shall be the responsibility of each League member to satisfy and comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations concerning the receipt, disbursal and managing of team or Club funds.

Article Eight: Protests and Appeals

Section 1

Only violations of the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations, or the misapplication of the 'Laws of the Game' shall be proper subjects to be considered for action. The League has no jurisdiction over protests arising from games not scheduled by the League (Tournaments, State or District Cups, etc.), unless requested to assume such jurisdiction by the governing authority for such competitions.

Section 2

All protest must be filed with the League Secretary within five (5) days of the game in question. Protests shall be in writing, listing all particulars, Rule, Article, or Law being invoked. Each protest filed shall be accompanied by a check for $50.00, made payable to the 'Redwood Junior Soccer League', which shall be returned if the protest is upheld.

Section 3

Properly submitted protests shall be judged by the Board of Directors at its earliest convenience. The team coach or manager shall be advised of the hearing and shall be the only team representatives or spokesman in attendance. So long as this League is affiliated with California Youth Soccer Association North, Inc., upon rendering a decision, the League Secretary shall forward a copy the file to CYSA, according to CYSA procedures

Section 4

So long as this League is affiliated with California Youth Soccer Association North, Inc. (CYSA), in the matter of protests and appeals, no person associated with this league shall invoke the aid of the courts of any State or of the United States without first exhausting all remedies available from the League, CYSA, and USYSA.

Article Nine: Rules and Regulations

So long as this League is affiliated with California Youth Soccer Association North, Inc., the Constitution, By-Laws, General Procedures, Specific Rules and Policy Interpretations Memoranda (PIM'S) of the CYSA are adopted verbatim and considered applicable to the governing of this League, except as made more stringent by any provisions adopted by the League.

Article Ten: Responsibilities

Section 1

The League recognizes its responsibility for all those associated with it, including Clubs, to comply with rules, regulations and requirements of those organizations with which it is affiliated. All League members shall be responsible for governing those persons associated with their operations. Members shall abide by the League rules under which they are registered and in which they are playing.

Section 2

So long as this League is affiliated with California Youth Soccer Association North, Inc., falsification of any USYSA, CYSA or League form or record shall be grounds for disbarment from future membership and/or participation in the League

Section 3

Ignorance of established rules and regulations shall not be considered sufficient justification to excuse wrong doing, and any violations will be acted on by the Board of Directors as called for in established procedures.

Article Eleven: Rules of Order

Robert's Rules of Order are adopted for the conduct of all League meetings unless otherwise agreed to by the participants.

Article Twelve: Dissolution

Should the League be dissolved, all assets remaining after payment of all debts shall be turned over to a non profit charitable organization selected by the League's Board of Directors for the purpose of developing youth soccer.


